A Presidente da Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem Forense – ABEFORESE, Zenaide Cavalcanti de Medeiros Kernbeis, recebe homenagem da IAFN, Associação Internacional de Enfermagem Forense

Recentemente foi feita uma convocação aos membros da  IAFN, Associação Internacional de Enfermagem Forense, no intuito de homenagear os enfermeiros que lutam em favor da Enfermagem Forense, e no ano de 2016 uma das homenageadas foi a Presidente da ABEFORENSE, a Enfermeira Zenaide Cavalcanti de Medeiros Kernbeis.

Forensic Nursing Excellence

Recently we sent out a call to members to recognize their peers. This Peer Recognition program honors those forensic nurses that are active members of the Association. Many of whom help by providing preventive services, policy development, influencing legislation, and collaborating with other healthcare, social services, and criminal justice system professionals to enhance the care of their patients.

Members of the International Association of Forensic Nurses (Association) witness their colleagues perform exceptional community outreach. We want to recognize these outstanding forensic nurses for bringing awareness to the specialty and compassion to their patients.


Help us recognize these outstanding forensic nurses who have been recognized by their peers in 2016: Zenaide Medeiros 

Fonte: IAFN